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Table 1 Even parity energy levels of the two configurations 4f12 and 4f116p of the Yb4+ ion. 

From Physica Scripta 88 (2013) 045305 (12pp)
A. Meftah, J.-F. Wyart, W.-U L. Tchang-Brillet, C. Blaess and N. Champion


Readme for this table

col.1 Main configuration
col.2 Total angular momentum J
col.3 Experimental level energy followed by its uncertainty between parenthesis, both in cm^-1
col.4 Ncl, the total number of transitions involving the experimental level determination
col.5 DE = Eexp-Ecalc , in cm^-1 (Calculated level energy from the Least-Squares Fit in Cowan's RCE code, corresponding to the parameters given in Table 5 of the article)
col.6 Calculated Lande factor
col.7 First leading component in LS coupling scheme
col.8 Percentage of the first LS component (squared amplitude)
col.9 Second leading LS component
col.10 Percentage of the second LS component (squared amplitude)
col.11 Third leading LS component
col.12 Percentage of the third LS component (squared amplitude)
col.13 First leading component in JJ coupling scheme
col.14 Percentage of the first JJ component (squared amplitude)
col.15 Second leading JJ component
col.16 Percentage of the second JJ component (squared amplitude)
col.17 Third leading JJ component
col.18 Percentage of the third JJ component (squared amplitude)

* The number following a term designation is an ordering number related to the seniority of the parent term as  given by Cowan's code;  

Conf.	J	Eexp(unc.)	Ncl	DE	gLande	LSComp1	%	LScomp2	%	LSComp3	%	JJComp1	      %	      JJComp2	     %	      JJComp3	       %
4f12	6	0.00(23)	53	52	1.165	3H	99	1I	1	
4f12	4	6112.03(19)	73	-62	1.140	3F	62	1G	30	3H	8						
4f12	5	9579.89(19)	68	69	1.033	3H	100										
4f12	4	14405.00(19)	75	-11	0.954	3H	58	3F	28	1G	14						
4f12	3	16372.19(23)	52	-20	1.084	3F	100										
4f12	2	16877.3(3)	38	52	0.761	3F	75	1D	23	3P	2						
4f12	4	24192.89(22)	51	-118	0.956	1G	56	3H	34	3F	10						
4f12	2	31319.7(3)	35	-49	1.126	1D	40	3P	39	3F	21						
4f12	6	39037.9(5)	10	1	1.002	1I	99	3H	1								
4f12	0	39791.7(5)	7	-9	#	3P	94	1S	6								
4f12	1	41080.9(4)	14	80	1.501	3P	100										
4f12	2	43119.5(3)	23	15	1.280	3P	59	1D	37	3F	4						
4f12	0	83804.0(6)	2	-0.1	#	1S	94	3P	6								
4f116p	7	247890.51(12)	5	-42	1.239	(4I)5H	65	(4I)3I	16	(4I)5I	14	(4I15/2)1/2	93	(2K15/2)1/2	3	(4I15/2)3/2	1
4f116p	8	248573.04(13)	5	-25	1.163	(4I)3K	46	(4I)5I	28	(4I)5K	22	(4I15/2)1/2	96	(2K15/2)1/2	2	(2K15/2)3/2	1
4f116p	6	257065.63(14)	11	16	1.148	(4I)5H	55	(4I)5I	26	(4I)3I	9	(4I13/2)1/2	93	(4I15/2)3/2	4	(4I13/2)3/2	1
4f116p	7	257348.77(09)	13	3	1.077	(4I)5K	43	(4I)3K	29	(4I)5I	18	(4I13/2)1/2	96	(4I15/2)3/2	2	#	        #
4f116p	9	259305.05(22)	4	-53	1.219	(4I)5K	96	(2K)3L	4	#	#	(4I15/2)3/2	96	(2K15/2)3/2	4	#		#	
4f116p	8	260218.14(17)	9	-31	1.207	(4I)5I	66	(4I)3K	28	(2K)3K	2	(4I15/2)3/2	96	(2K15/2)3/2	3	#	        #
4f116p	6	260509.01(09)	18	-60	1.128	(4I)3H	63	(4I)5H	11	(4I)5K	8	(4I15/2)3/2	74	(4I11/2)1/2	8	(4I9/2)3/2	2
4f116p	7	260750.18(11)	15	-42	1.180	(4I)3I	63	(4I)5H	26	(4I)5I	7	(4I15/2)3/2	94	(4I13/2)1/2	2	(2K15/2)3/2	2
4f116p	5	261583.94(12)	13	69	1.033	(4I)5I	26	(4I)5H	23	(4I)3H	20	(4I11/2)1/2	64	(2H11/2)1/2	16	(4I9/2)3/2	3
4f116p	6	262021.27(11)	14	39	1.007	(4I)5K	37	(4I)3H	24	(4I)3I	9	(4I11/2)1/2	54	(4I15/2)3/2	16	(4I13/2)1/2	5
4f116p	4	263549.91(15)	11	64	1.051	(4F)5D	13	(4I)3H	12	(4I)5I	11	(4I9/2)1/2	21	(4F9/2)1/2	7	(4F9/2)3/2	5
4f116p	5	263796.29(15)	12	78	0.966	(4I)5K	24	(2H)3I2	13	(4F)3G	10	(4I9/2)1/2	30	(4F9/2)1/2	13	(2H9/2)1/2	9
4f116p	5	267577.92(12)	16	-28	1.017	(4I)5K	29	(4F)3G	16	(4F)5F	14	(4F9/2)1/2	40	(4I9/2)1/2	35	(4I9/2)3/2	1
4f116p	4	267798.48(10)	13	5	1.058	(4F)5D	21	(4I)5I	19	(4I)3H	18	(4F9/2)1/2	39	(4I9/2)1/2	32	(4I9/2)3/2	2
4f116p	8	268532.23(17)	9	-4	1.148	(4I)5K	74	(4I)3K	22	(4I)5I	3	(4I13/2)3/2	99	(2K13/2)3/2	1	#	        #
4f116p	5	268864.41(11)	23	-5	1.070	(4I)5H	44	(4I)3H	38	(4I)5K	3	(4I13/2)3/2	77	(4I11/2)3/2	4	(4I9/2)1/2	2
4f116p	7	269233.49(15)	12	11	1.130	(4I)5I	57	(4I)3K	23	(4I)3I	11	(4I13/2)3/2	98	#               #	#     		#	
4f116p	6	269333.95(13)	14	13	1.094	(4I)3I	42	(4I)5H	30	(4I)5I	23	(4I13/2)3/2	94	(4I11/2)3/2	2	(4I11/2)1/2	1
4f116p	5	272011.18(13)	23	-85	1.170	(2H)3G2	23	(4G)5F	22	(4I)3H	18	(2H11/2)1/2	24	(4I11/2)1/2	18	(4G11/2)1/2	12
4f116p	6	272186.73(13)	13	-80	1.096	(2H)3H2	19	(4I)5K	19	(4G)3H	13	(4G11/2)1/2	19	(2H11/2)1/2	17	(4I11/2)1/2	10
4f116p	4	272996.60(13)	12	81	0.912	(4I)5H	56	(4I)3H	19	(2H)3G2	9	(4I11/2)3/2	71	(2H11/2)3/2	17	(4I9/2)3/2	4
4f116p	7	273216.25(22)	11	54	1.070	(4I)5K	37	(4I)3K	35	(2H)3I2	21	(4I11/2)3/2	73	(2H11/2)3/2	21	(4G11/2)3/2	2
4f116p	5	273623.27(15)	17	46	0.981	(4I)5I	24	(4I)3I	19	(4I)3H	16	(4I11/2)3/2	68	(4I13/2)3/2	4	(2H11/2)3/2	4
4f116p	6	273728.28(15)	18	38	1.047	(4I)5I	31	(4I)3I	27	(2H)3H2	9	(4I11/2)3/2	37	(2H11/2)3/2	20	(4I11/2)1/2	15
4f116p	3	273832.99(11)	10	-16	1.218	(4F)5F	38	(4F)5D	27	(4F)3F	6	(4F7/2)1/2	77	(4F9/2)3/2	3	(4F5/2)3/2	1
4f116p	4	274298.83(10)	13	-14	1.151	(4F)5G	40	(4F)3G	22	(4F)5F	11	(4F7/2)1/2	87	(4F9/2)3/2	1	#               #	
4f116p	6	275554.90(22)	15	67	1.078	(4I)3K	29	(4F)5G	25	(2G)3H1	13	(4F9/2)3/2	25	(4I9/2)3/2	19	(2G9/2)3/2	13
4f116p	5	275541.01(17)	19	39	1.074	(4F)5F	16	(4I)5I	12	(4F)3G	11	(4F9/2)3/2	27	(4I9/2)3/2	16	(4I9/2)1/2	5
4f116p	4	276008.50(13)	17	59	0.979	(4I)5I	17	(4F)3F	17	(4I)3H	14	(4F9/2)3/2	23	(4I9/2)3/2	22	(4I11/2)3/2	9
4f116p	5	278864.67(13)	19	-8	1.045	(4F)5F	29	(4I)5K	23	(2H)3H2	9	(4F9/2)3/2	19	(4I9/2)3/2	15	(4I9/2)1/2	8
4f116p	4	278976.88(14)	13	13	1.114	(4F)5D	24	(4I)5I	20	(4F)5F	6	(4F9/2)1/2	23	(4I9/2)3/2	11	(4I9/2)1/2	8
4f116p	6	279350.06(17)	12	-13	1.109	(4F)5G	42	(4I)3K	25	(4I)5K	15	(4F9/2)3/2	42	(4I9/2)3/2	38	(2G9/2)3/2	4
4f116p	3	279774.7(3)	9	-56	1.067	(4F)3D	47	(4I)5H	25	(2G)1F1	5	(4F9/2)3/2	45	(4I9/2)3/2	25	(2G9/2)3/2	10
4f116p	5	279959.30(16)	18	-20	1.053	(4F)3G	27	(4I)3I	21	(2H)3I2	8	(4F9/2)1/2	13	(4F9/2)3/2	9	(4I9/2)3/2	8
4f116p	4	279976.85(15)	18	-12	1.088	(4F)3F	28	(4I)3H	16	(4I)5I	10	(4F9/2)3/2	19	(4I9/2)3/2	17	(4F9/2)1/2	14
4f116p	6	282023.84(24)	8	20	1.156	(4G)3H	25	(4G)5G	20	(4G)5H	12	(4G11/2)1/2	57	(2H11/2)1/2	14	(2H11/2)3/2	5
4f116p	6	283961.9(3)	6	-85	1.149	(2H)3H2	30	(4G)5G	20	(4G)3H	13	(2H11/2)3/2	34	(4G11/2)3/2	33	(4I11/2)3/2	5
4f116p	5	284143.17(21)	15	-67	1.117	(4G)3G	25	(2H)3G2	20	(2H)1H2	14	(2H11/2)3/2	41	(4G11/2)3/2	14	(4G11/2)1/2	5
4f116p	4	285892.87(14)	16	-2	1.221	(4F)5F	41	(4F)3G	20	(4F)5D	6	(4F7/2)3/2	70	(4G7/2)3/2	3	(4G9/2)1/2	2
4f116p	3	286033.97(23)	16	9	1.296	(4F)5D	49	(4F)3F	24	(4F)5F	12	(4F7/2)3/2	72	(4F5/2)3/2	11	(2G7/2)3/2	4
4f116p	5	286033.82(16)	15	-21	1.236	(4F)5G	63	(4F)3G	15	(4F)5F	7	(4F7/2)3/2	85	(2G7/2)3/2	1	(2G9/2)1/2	1
4f116p	3	287800.7(4)	4	20	1.124	(4F)3F	26	(4F)5F	20	(4F)5G	17	(4F5/2)3/2	38	(4F7/2)3/2	16	(4F3/2)3/2	11
4f116p	4	288008.29(17)	18	25	1.130	(4F)5G	36	(4F)3G	35	(2D)3F1	15	(4F5/2)3/2	68	(2D5/2)3/2	15	(4F7/2)3/2	4