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Table 2 :  Even-parity energy levels of the 5p5_4f3_5d configuration of Nd3+. 
Kamel Arab, Djamel Deghiche, Ali Meftah, Jean-François Wyart, Wan-Ü Lydia Tchang-Brillet, Norbert Champion,
Christophe Blaess and Omar Lamrous
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 229 (2019) 145-156
 ReadMe for this table 

col.1 Total angular momentum J.
col.2 Experimental energy value of the level, in cm^-1.
col.3 Uncertainty on the last digits of the level energy, in cm^-1.
col.4 Number of transitions involved in the determination of the level. 
col.5 Calculated level energy from the Least Squares Fit using Cowan's codes.
col.6 Deviation DE=Eexp-Ecalc in cm^-1.
col.7 Calculated Lande factor g_L of the level. 
col.8 Leading LS component. Two levels of identical first component are distinguished by a subscript ”b” for the higher energy level. 
col.9 Percentage of the leading LS component (squared amplitude).

Notes : Levels marked with a ” * ” belong to the 5p5_4f3_6s configuration. 
Two levels of 5p5_4f3_5d marked by (s) have a first LS component belonging to the 5p54f36s configuration.
 J	Eexp(cm-1)	Unc.    N	Eth(cm-1)    DE(cm-1)    g_L	1st_LS_comp.	Perc.
6.5	182592.7	2.2	4	182292           301	1.107	(4I) 6Ga	13%
6.5	183162.8	1.3	2	183382   	-219	1.112	(4I) 4Hf	8%
4.5	183587.9	2.0	3	183626		 -38	1.048	(4I) 2H		15%
6.5	183764.4	2.0	3	183594		 171	1.209	(4F) 6Ha	14%
6.5	184137.8	1.2	3	183948		 190	1.164	(4I) 6Ga_b	9%
5.5	188563.0	1.4	2	188514		  49    1.049	(4F) 6I		11%
5.5	188579.7	1.7	3	189026		-447	1.136	(4G) 6Hb	9%
3.5	189098.9	1.8	3	189028		  71	1.153	(2H) 4G2	5%
4.5	189180.3	0.9	4	188956		 224	1.120	(4I) 4Gd	8%
7.5	189729.0	2.4	2	189674		  55	1.114	(4F) 6I		14%
5.5	189995.5	3.0	2	190098		-103	1.311	(4F) 6F		17%
4.5	190110.2	1.7	4	190325		-215	1.202	(4F) 6F		6%
5.5	190471.1	4.0	2	190307		 164	1.130	(4G) 6Gb	7%
8.5	191421.6	1.7	1	191683		-261	1.135	(4I) 4Lc	13%
5.5	191690.1	3.0	3	191573		 117	1.047	(4I) 6Lb	6%
5.5	192464.3	1.9	1	192118		 347	1.101	(4I) 4Gd	7%
5.5	192541.7	1.9	5	192557		 -15	1.034	(4I) 6Lb_b	7%
7.5	193028.4	1.8	1	192962		  67	1.101	(2H) 4L2	14%
6.5	193349.2	2.3	3	193118		 231	1.087	(2K) 4La	5%
6.5	193876.8	1.9	3	193564		 313	1.158	(2H) 4H2	5%
5.5	195890.1	3.0	2	196173		-283	1.104	(2H) 2H2	4%
6.5	196705.6	1.5	3	197207		-501	1.177	(4G) 6G		12%
6.5	200173.3	1.0	5	200154		  20	1.150	(4G) 6Gb	6%
7.5	201480.7	2.4	2	202075		-594	1.118	(4F) 6Hb	11%
5.5	201621.4	1.5	2	201782		-160	1.125	(4F) 4Gd	4%
6.5	201674.3	1.1	4	201813		-138	1.066	(4G) 4Ka	8%
8.5	205845.6	2.0	2	205655		 191	1.095	(4G) 4Kb	11%
8.5	206235.2	2.0	1	206309		 -74	1.061	(2L) 4L		13%
7.5	208806.7	2.1	1	208523		 284	1.033	(4I) 4La	14%
6.5	213434.6	6.0	2	213540		-105	1.014	(4I) 4Kb	4%
6.5	216025.3	1.6	2	216180		-155	1.012	(2K) 4L		7%
9.5	219643.5	1.7	1	219834		-190	1.099	(4I) 2M		18%
9.5	220514.9	1.8	1	220460		  55	1.047	(2L) 4Ma	28%
8.5	220933.1	2.2	3	220327		 607	1.081	(4I) 4Ka	7%
8.5	221559.6	2.0	1	221375		 185	1.069	(4I) 4Ka_b	5%
5.5	222663.7	1.9	2	222599		  65	1.091	(2D) 4H2	4%
5.5	224061.9	4.0	4	223892		 170	1.067	(2H) 2I1	5%
6.5	224253.6	1.5	3	224447		-193	1.107	(4F) 6G (s)	7%
7.5	224288.2	3.0	3	224654		-366	1.071	(2H) 4K1	8%
7.5	224949.2	3.0	3	225273		-324	1.021	(2H) 2L1	9%
6.5	225925.5	2.0	4	226088		-163	1.079	(2H) 2I1	7%
4.5	226942.2	2.0	2	226950		  -8	1.094	(4F) 4Gc	4%
6.5	227076.0	3.0	4	226737		 339	1.077	(4I) 2Ia	4%
6.5	227462.5	1.7	5	227497		 -34	1.076	(2L) 4H		12%
5.5	227724.6	1.8	6	227666		  59	1.053	(2L) 2Ha	7%
8.5	228554.3	2.3	2	228538		  16	1.033	(2L) 2Lf	10%
6.5	229397.5	1.3	5	229205		 193	1.073	(2K) 4Hb	6%
8.5	230894.7	2.0	2	230591		 304	1.011	(2L) 2Md	13%
7.5	231120.8	4.0	3	231318		-197	1.028	(2L) 4M		9%
7.5	231793.5	3.0	4	231963		-170	1.065	(2G) 2K2	10%
8.5	231845.6	5.0	2	231927		 -81	1.035	(2K) 2Ma	18%
5.5	232038.4	1.3	4	231803		 235	1.062	(2G) 4G1	4%
8.5	232396.0	1.7	2	232128		 268	1.087	(4G) 4Ka	11%
6.5	232406.2	1.5	3	232524		-118	1.112	(4G) 4Hc	9%
7.5	232504.8	1.5	2	232683		-179	1.108	(2G) 2K1	7%
6.5	232824.5	2.4	3	232805		  19	1.046	(2G) 2K2	5%
6.5	233830.6	3.0	3	233781		  49	1.135	(4G) 4Hc_b	9%
9.5	234594.7	2.0	1	234688		 -93	1.031	(2L) 2Md	19%
5.5	235156.4	3.0	3	235158		  -2	1.012	(2I) 4K		7%
8.5	235332.7	1.5	3	235217		 116	0.990	(2L) 4Na	23%
5.5	235966.4	3.0	4	235894		  73	1.056	(2K) 4Hb	6%
8.5	236503.5	5.0	2	236503		   1	0.997	(2L) 4Mb	11%
8.5	237679.7	3.0	3	237623		  57	1.056	(2K) 4Ka	13%
6.5	237856.8	1.7	4	238372		-515	0.996	(2I) 4K		8%
6.5	238430.3	1.7	3	237961		 470	1.070	(4G) 4Hb	6%
5.5	238709.0	1.8	3	238446		 263	1.073	(2G) 2H2	6%
7.5	239094.8	2.1	1	239129		 -34	1.074	(2K) 2Kd	6%
6.5	239327.9	1.9	5	238891		 437	1.037	(2L) 4L		7%
4.5	239356.2	3.0	5	239748		-392	1.047	(4G) 4Ha(s)	5%
9.5	239521.7	2.1	1	240122		-600	1.025	(2L) 4Na	33%
8.5	239666.0	1.7	3	239400		 266	1.054	(2K) 2Mc	14%
7.5	239778.1	3.0	4	239794		 -16	1.114	(2G) 4I2	7%
6.5	240040.4	2.3	3	239965		  75	1.040	(2I) 2Ke	5%
7.5	240670.5	1.5	3	240786		-115	1.080	(2G) 4I2b	11%
6.5	241212.6	4.0	2	241149		  64	0.991	(4I) 4Ka	11%
4.5	241974.8	3.0	5	241922		  53	1.022	(2I) 4Gb	3%
8.5	242279.2	2.3	3	242248		  31	1.061	(2L) 4Ka	11%
5.5	242534.5	1.9	2	242538		  -4	0.998	(4I) 4If	8%
5.5	242758.0	3.0	4	242725		  33	1.103	(4D) 4Ga	4%
6.5	242796.2	1.9	3	243008		-212	1.010	(2L) 2Ka	6%
7.5	243032.1	2.5	2	243079		 -47	1.091	(2I) 2Kc	9%
6.5	243575.6	2.3	2	243489		  86	1.071	(2I) 4Hb	3%
7.5	244383.4	3.0	2	244288		  95	1.095	(2I) 2Kc_b	7%
8.5	245704.8	2.4	2	245777		 -72	1.073	(4I) 4Kd	17%
6.5	247744.4	2.9	1	247529		 216	1.138	(4I) 4Hc	12%
6.5	247798.7	2.2	4	247880		 -81	1.079	(4I) 4Kb *	9%
5.5	253568.5	2.2	2	253419		 149	1.044	(2F) 4I1	6%
4.5	254434.6	2.1	3	254806		-371	1.130	(4F) 4Gd	13%
4.5	260470.3	4.0	3	260153		 318	1.051	(2G) 4H2	5%
7.5	260809.0	3.0	1	260684		 125	0.946	(2K) 2Ld	26%
6.5	261522.8	3.0	3	261161		 362	0.998	(2K) 2Ke	16%
3.5	261585.0	2.4	2	261182		 403	1.018	(4G) 4Ge	8%
7.5	262050.0	3.0	1	262001		  49	1.060	(2K) 2Ke	29%
8.5	262377.5	2.9	1	262762		-384	1.050	(2K) 2Ld	37%
3.5	262535.2	3.0	2	262780		-245	1.114	(4G) 4Ff	11%
5.5	262910.4	1.9	3	263251		-341	1.176	(4G) 4Ge	14%
6.5	263107.0	3.0	1	262892		 215	1.190	(4G) 4Hd	26%
5.5	263215.7	4.0	2	263730		-515	1.025	(2K) 2If	18%
4.5	264511.1	3.0	3	264464		  47	1.225	(4G) 4Fc	16%
3.5	264862.0	3.0	1	265132		-270	1.081	(2D) 2F1	13%
3.5	271108.5	2.3	2	271172		 -64	1.160	(4D) 4Fe	6%
7.5	271194.2	2.1	2	270940		 255	1.015	(2L) 2Le	16%
5.5	271396.5	2.9	1	271013		 383	1.049	(2I) 2Ie	11%
4.5	272387.5	2.2	3	272741		-354	1.000	(2I) 2Hf	26%
8.5	272514.9	5.0	2	272680		-165	0.991	(2L) 2Me	22%
3.5	272617.7	5.0	2	272664		 -46	1.293	(4D) 4Df	11%
8.5	272626.1	2.1	2	272536		  90	1.017	(2L) 2Le	20%
6.5	272899.7	2.2	2	273050		-150	0.984	(2I) 2Kd	15%
7.5	272938.4	2.4	2	272761		 178	1.062	(2I) 2Kd	34%
9.5	273532.0	3.0	1	273873		-341	1.048	(2L) 2Md_b	36%
5.5	273678.6	2.1	2	274160		-481	1.061	(2I) 2Hf	21%
4.5	273770.7	3.0	2	273831		 -60	1.261	(4D) 4Fe	20%
6.5	273912.9	2.4	2	273961		 -48	1.090	(2I) 2Ie	16%
2.5	276425.4	2.9	1	276146		 279	0.991	(2D) 2F2	18%
5.5	277312.8	3.0	3	277076		 237	1.059	(2H) 2H1	12%
4.5	277426.8	3.0	2	277150		 277	0.988	(2H) 2H1	8%
7.5	277550.8	3.0	2	277201		 350	1.033	(2L) 4L *	14%
2.5	277827.9	2.1	2	277542		 286	1.061	(2D) 2D2	10%
5.5	278270.7	5.0	3	278374		-104	1.027	(2H) 2I1b	8%
6.5	278497.2	3.0	2	278382		 115	1.054	(2H) 2I1b	22%
4.5	278631.0	3.0	1	278635		  -4	1.050	(2H) 2G1	12%
1.5	283605.0	3.0	1	283321		 284	0.968	(2F) 2D1	17%
2.5	284327.7	3.0	1	284464		-137	1.184	(2F) 2D1	19%
4.5	284421.0	3.0	1	284453		 -32	1.113	(2F) 2G1	20%
4.5	292989.0	3.0	1	293011		 -22	1.098	(2G) 2G2	14%