Table 3. Classified lines of Nd V
From Phys. Scr. 77, 055302 (2008)
by Ali Meftah, Jean-Francois Wyart, Jocelyne Sinzelle, Wan-UN Lydia Tchang-Brillet, Norbert Champion,
Nissan Spector and Jack Sugar
ReadMe for this table
col. 1 Experimental wavelengths (in Angstrom ), in vacuum below 2000 and in air above 2000.
Notes : p line resolved on the plate, but perturbed by a close line;
bl line partially resolved in a blended emission peak with components of similar intensities;
a asymmetrical line, when the components of the blend have different intensities;
D doubly classified
col. 2 Deviation DLambda= LambdaExp- LambdaRitz (in m),
from the Ritz wavelength calculated from the level energiesd
col. 3-4 Experimental intensities (in arbitrary units), PP : photographic plate, IP : Image plate
col. 5 Calculated intensity (in arbitrary units), Boltzmann weighted for Teff=3.6 eV and using gA(CI), see text.
col. 6 Weighted transition probability gA(CI)in emission (in 10^6 s^-1),
g being the statistical weight of the upper level,
A(CI), the Einstein coefficient calculated with configuration interaction including 12 configurations
col. 7 Weighted transition probability gA(no-CI)in emission (in 10^6 s^-1),
g being the statistical weight of the upper level,
A(no-CI), the Einstein coefficient calculated without configuration interaction
col. 8 Experimental wavenumber (in cm^-1)
col. 9-12 Odd and even parity levels of the transition, as given in Tables 2 and 1
col. 9 Energy (in cm^-1) of the odd parity level
col. 10 Total angular momentum J value of the odd parity level
col. 11 Energy (in cm^-1) of the even level
col. 12 Total angular momentum J value of the even parity level
Lambda_exp DLambda Int_exp Int_clac gA(CI) gA(no-CI) Sigma_exp Eo Jo Ee Je
() (m) PP IP (10^6 s^-1) (cm^-1) (cm^-1) (cm^-1)
713.891 -5 2 1 5 12 140077.4 142910.77 5 2834.29 5
729.036 p 0 20 9 62 258 137167.4 142910.77 5 5743.41 6
738.999 0 2 6 32 113 135318.2 135318.28 3 0.00 4
742.942 -3 2 5 32 35 134600.0 142910.77 5 8311.43 4
744.269 -2 1 4 20 72 134360.0 134359.66 4 0.00 4
748.900 0 30 6 30 120 133529.1 136363.39 6 2834.29 5
754.159 -3 8 6 30 115 132598.0 132597.49 5 0.00 4
756.472 2 25 19 98 340 132192.6 135027.22 5 2834.29 5
756.650 3 30 20 91 316 132161.5 132162.06 4 0.00 4
758.925 -2 3 4 24 70 131765.3 139549.81 3 7784.82 3
760.311 2 50 29 142 476 131525.1 134359.66 4 2834.29 5
761.971 -1 3 3 18 59 131238.6 139549.81 3 8311.43 4
762.753 4 60 35 153 534 131104.1 131104.67 3 0.00 4
765.456 0 40 28 186 291 130641.1 142910.77 5 12269.73 4
765.579 -1 100 177 935 3913 130620.1 136363.39 6 5743.41 6
765.973 1 40 56 239 1077 130552.8 130552.98 4 0.00 4
770.635 0 100 171 788 3336 129763.2 132597.49 5 2834.29 5
773.230 1 200 714 3230 12370 129327.6 132162.06 4 2834.29 5
773.493 1 250 818 4084 15580 129283.7 135027.22 5 5743.41 6
774.567 0 200 617 2505 9544 129104.4 129104.48 3 0.00 4
783.863 p 6 50 183 913 3266 127573.4 135359.21 2 7784.82 3
783.912 p -2 40 108 413 1724 127565.4 127565.05 4 0.00 4
784.105 -3 12 16 81 302 127533.9 135318.28 3 7784.82 3
784.483 0 80 150 697 2495 127472.4 133366.26 1 5893.82 2
785.669 0 150 353 2025 7159 127280.1 139549.81 3 12269.73 4
787.091 -1 60 62 466 1255 127050.1 147601.42 1 20551.37 2
787.359 0 150 352 1741 6256 127006.9 135318.28 3 8311.43 4
789.169 2 50 53 260 625 126715.5 135027.22 5 8311.43 4
789.440 -1 20 15 68 317 126672.0 132565.78 2 5893.82 2
790.043 -4 8 7 32 160 126575.4 134359.66 4 7784.82 3
793.348 1 60 83 394 1500 126048.1 134359.66 4 8311.43 4
798.654 1 15 9 39 191 125210.7 131104.67 3 5893.82 2
801.406 1 40 49 217 817 124780.8 132565.78 2 7784.82 3
804.005 0 50 68 294 792 124377.3 132162.06 4 7784.82 3
810.898 -1 200 239 994 3948 123320.0 131104.67 3 7784.82 3
811.616 -2 70 59 229 642 123210.9 129104.48 3 5893.82 2
814.378 1 30 15 61 247 122793.1 131104.67 3 8311.43 4
814.539 -4 1 3 13 54 122768.8 130552.98 4 7784.82 3
814.616 1 15 15 71 197 122757.3 135027.22 5 12269.73 4
815.987 -1 1 3 19 60 122551.0 147601.42 1 25050.63 0
817.297 0 2 4 957 1099 122354.5 127565.05 4 249919.57 4
818.060 p 7 150 121 490 2002 122240.5 130552.98 4 8311.43 4
819.065 -4 100 195 896 3727 122090.5 134359.66 4 12269.73 4
821.930 1 100 179 651 2560 121664.8 127558.79 2 5893.82 2
827.858 -4 3 5 19 60 120793.6 129104.48 3 8311.43 4
830.152 -1 15 3 646 708 120459.9 131104.67 3 251562.98 2
832.481 -1 40 18 125 359 120122.9 147601.42 1 27478.68 2
834.082 1 1 1 3 20 119892.3 132162.06 4 12269.73 4
834.912 a 6 10 4 13 57 119773.1 127558.79 2 7784.82 3
836.311 -5 10 6 1348 1491 119572.7 127558.79 2 247130.74 1
838.547 -2 100 91 322 1387 119253.9 127565.05 4 8311.43 4
839.543 0 40 19 4058 4569 119112.5 127565.05 4 246677.55 4
840.350 D 2 60 18 98 250 118998.1 139549.81 3 20551.37 2
840.350 D -6 60 10 2441 2727 118998.1 132565.78 2 251562.98 2
845.426 -2 30 14 55 250 118283.6 130552.98 4 12269.73 4
848.507 -4 3 3 659 727 117854.1 132162.06 4 250015.66 5
849.200 -3 1 3 626 667 117757.9 132162.06 4 249919.57 4
849.444 0 40 23 118 364 117724.1 138275.39 1 20551.37 2
851.653 -4 15 6 1438 1625 117418.7 132597.49 5 250015.66 5
855.995 a -3 200 737 4358 14190 116823.1 142910.77 5 26088.12 6
860.561 4 20 9 2337 2637 116203.3 135359.21 2 251562.98 2
861.143 -1 3 3 548 588 116124.7 130552.98 4 246677.55 4
864.631 -2 5 4 941 1056 115656.2 134359.66 4 250015.66 5
865.353 1 20 30 6932 7821 115559.8 134359.66 4 249919.57 4
866.776 3 25 33 7530 8445 115370.0 134359.66 4 249730.10 3
867.342 4 30 31 106 501 115294.8 127565.05 4 12269.73 4
867.622 0 25 22 4424 4986 115257.5 131104.67 3 246362.22 2
868.546 p 9 20 .3 54 56 115134.9 127558.79 2 242694.90 3
868.584 p -1 5 4 663 766 115130.0 127565.05 4 242694.90 3
869.650 -3 50 30 6920 7870 114988.9 135027.22 5 250015.66 5
870.381 1 30 14 3305 3772 114892.2 135027.22 5 249919.57 4
871.020 -1 25 14 64 252 114808.0 135359.21 2 20551.37 2
871.333 1 60 53 235 662 114766.7 135318.28 3 20551.37 2
872.339 1 80 56 46 9033 10180 114634.4 130552.98 4 245187.54 3
872.869 2 15 7 1483 1688 114564.7 132565.78 2 247130.74 1
873.241 -4 5 5 959 1111 114516.0 132162.06 4 246677.55 4
874.034 -1 10 4 975 1109 114412.0 135318.28 3 249730.10 3
874.981 -3 80 49 34 178 590 114288.2 140180.78 2 25892.92 1
876.574 -3 100 36 45 9242 10410 114080.5 132597.49 5 246677.55 4
878.758 p -4 20 20 18 3746 4210 113797.0 132565.78 2 246362.22 2
879.009 0 10 10 2046 2336 113764.4 133366.26 1 247130.74 1
879.876 0 100 83 106 24470 27580 113652.3 136363.39 6 250015.66 5
880.359 4 5 4 640 709 113590.0 129104.48 3 242694.90 3
883.204 5 40 37 29 142 468 113224.2 138275.39 1 25050.63 0
884.759 3 50 19 25 4841 5498 113025.1 132162.06 4 245187.54 3
884.982 -5 1 1 119 130 112996.7 133366.26 1 246362.22 2
887.294 -1 150 134 158 818 2689 112702.2 140180.78 2 27478.68 2
887.899 bl 6 120 42 205 664 112625.5 138519.19 0 25892.92 1
888.619 -1 40 16 2805 3129 112534.2 130552.98 4 243086.98 4
889.820 2 80 35 38 185 593 112382.2 138275.39 1 25892.92 1
890.329 -1 15 8 1638 1862 112318.0 134359.66 4 246677.55 4
891.732 5 20 10 1758 1928 112141.3 130552.98 4 242694.90 3
892.292 2 80 37 51 259 754 112070.9 139549.81 3 27478.68 2
892.743 D 0 100 109 141 560 2053 112014.4 132565.78 2 20551.37 2
892.743 D -10 100 12 2919 3362 112014.4 139549.81 3 251562.98 2
892.998 0 20 1213 1349 111982.4 131104.67 3 243086.98 4
895.464 -2 50 27 36 5558 6256 111673.9 127558.79 2 239232.46 2
895.662 9 80 30 35 6970 7946 111649.2 135027.22 5 246677.55 4
896.137 1 30 20 21 3608 4074 111590.1 131104.67 3 242694.90 3
897.818 9 15 8 1802 2013 111381.1 140180.78 2 251562.98 2
897.992 -2 5 5 962 1101 111359.5 135318.28 3 246677.55 4
899.852 -1 40 11 1750 1955 111129.4 127558.79 2 238688.04 3
899.905 1 80 67 70 10600 11840 111122.9 127565.05 4 238688.04 3
900.548 3 15 9 1752 1964 111043.5 135318.28 3 246362.22 2
900.876 0 15 7 1369 1560 111003.1 135359.21 2 246362.22 2
901.521 a 11 80 29 28 4867 5514 110923.6 132162.06 4 243086.98 4
902.557 3 80 34 34 165 544 110796.3 138275.39 1 27478.68 2
904.708 0 50 23 23 3974 4549 110532.9 132162.06 4 242694.90 3
905.068 4 80 56 53 9376 10550 110489.0 132597.49 5 243086.98 4
906.045 0 30 8 1869 2158 110369.8 139549.81 3 249919.57 4
907.601 -2 80 33 29 6368 7173 110180.6 139549.81 3 249730.10 3
908.034 D 9 100 3 557 620 110128.0 132565.78 2 242694.90 3
908.034 D 0 100 32 4925 5610 110128.0 129104.48 3 239232.46 2
910.176 3 25 14 2546 2859 109868.9 135318.28 3 245187.54 3
912.542 -3 50 32 33 4965 5612 109583.9 129104.48 3 238688.04 3
912.837 6 20 25 22 4778 5347 109548.6 140180.78 2 249730.10 3
913.522 -1 40 60 69 297 924 109466.5 135359.21 2 25892.92 1
917.947 3 20 16 15 63 197 108938.7 135027.22 5 26088.12 6
918.653 3 30 10 1929 2148 108855.0 138275.39 1 247130.74 1
919.732 0 5 2 285 355 108727.3 134359.66 4 243086.98 4
920.719 6 20 8 1653 1852 108610.8 138519.19 0 247130.74 1
921.212 4 1 2 6 18 108552.6 129104.48 3 20551.37 2
923.053 -8 3 1 93 93 108336.1 134359.66 4 242694.90 3
923.225 -3 100 30 36 141 436 108316.0 133366.26 1 25050.63 0
924.767 -2 30 20 13 1881 2188 108135.3 130552.98 4 238688.04 3
924.844 13 10 1 190 205 108126.3 131104.67 3 239232.46 2
925.188 6 20 12 2322 2606 108086.1 138275.39 1 246362.22 2
925.415 1 40 16 2810 3183 108059.7 135027.22 5 243086.98 4
926.948 -3 15 6 24 76 107880.9 135359.21 2 27478.68 2
927.304 0 50 36 37 155 488 107839.6 135318.28 3 27478.68 2
927.915 2 20 9 1551 1764 107768.5 135318.28 3 243086.98 4
930.460 -4 40 10 39 121 107473.8 133366.26 1 25892.92 1
931.296 -6 40 18 17 2895 3262 107377.3 135318.28 3 242694.90 3
931.653 -3 50 26 24 4134 4637 107336.1 135359.21 2 242694.90 3
934.508 D 5 150 55 11900 13490 107008.2 142910.77 5 249919.57 4
934.508 D -7 150 44 140 512 107008.2 127558.79 2 20551.37 2
936.233 12 3 .4 77 88 106811.0 139549.81 3 246362.22 2
941.772 -12 3 2 457 512 106182.8 140180.78 2 246362.22 2
944.586 -2 40 18 2588 2887 105866.4 133366.26 1 239232.46 2
961.891 -3 40 17 3883 4375 103961.8 147601.42 1 251562.98 2
963.694 -6 30 14 2710 3042 103767.4 142910.77 5 246677.55 4
975.470 -6 10 6 951 1072 102514.7 140180.78 2 242694.90 3
998.232 -9 30 11 1777 2005 100177.1 142910.77 5 243086.98 4
1866.896 9 50 33 3733 4795 53564.9 197997.88 3 251562.98 2
1868.031 -4 30 25 2503 2901 53532.3 193598.54 2 247130.74 1
1895.243 0 8 26 2433 2801 52763.7 193598.54 2 246362.22 2
1899.414 9 100 50 4756 7698 52647.8 194029.49 3 246677.55 4
1902.492 7 150 59 6240 10070 52562.6 197452.83 4 250015.66 5
1905.966 -3 50 18 1880 3020 52466.8 197452.83 4 249919.57 4
1912.874 -3 8 15 1574 2571 52277.4 197452.83 4 249730.10 3
1925.978 0 40 36 3779 4700 51921.7 197997.88 3 249919.57 4
1933.032 0 20 26 2711 3478 51732.2 197997.88 3 249730.10 3
1938.394 -4 30 32 2790 3202 51589.1 193598.54 2 245187.54 3
1954.726 -1 5 18 1551 2557 51158.1 194029.49 3 245187.54 3
2030.842 -4 3 3 294 489 49224.8 197452.83 4 246677.55 4
2190.667 D 11 400 26 1862 3015 45633.9 197452.83 4 243086.98 4
2190.667 D 0 400 16 1017 1170 45633.9 193598.54 2 239232.46 2
2209.637 -6 100 21 1481 2416 45242.2 197452.83 4 242694.90 3
2211.551 -4 200 17 1082 1770 45203.1 194029.49 3 239232.46 2
2217.127 D 6 400 27 1644 1883 45089.4 193598.54 2 238688.04 3
2217.127 D -13 400 23 1629 2098 45089.4 197997.88 3 243086.98 4
2236.596 6 100 16 1164 1499 44696.9 197997.88 3 242694.90 3
2238.515 -3 10 20 1251 2064 44658.6 194029.49 3 238688.04 3