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Transition emission probabilities from np sigma+ and pi+ ungerade (n>2) rovibrational levels towards X of the H2 molecule.
(Compilation by M. Glass-Maujean, June 2014)

The data contain the transition energies (wavenumber) E(cm-1) and the line emission probabilities of R and P lines from the rovibrational levels (v', J')
 of upper states np towards the rovibrational levels (v", J") of the ground electronic state X. 
 The data display values up to the J'=4 upper rotational levels
 The calculated data are obtained by performing MQDT ab-initio calculations described in the papers:
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch Jungen, H. Schmoranzer et al., J. Chem. Phys. 135 (14), 144302 (2011).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 136 (13), 134301 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 137 (8), 084303 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, Ch. Jungen et al., Phys.Rev. A 86, 052507 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch. Jungen, A. Spielfiedel et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 293-294, 1 (2013).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Mol. spectrosc. 293-294, 11 (2013).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch Jungen, H. Schmoranzer et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 293-294, 19 (2013).

 The experimental values  of the transition energies are from the references:
 G. Herzberg and Ch. Jungen, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 41, 425 (1972).
 S. Takezawa, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 52, 2575 (1970).
 G. D. Dickenson, T. I. Ivanov, M. Roudjane et al., J.  Phys. Chem. 133 (4), 144317 (2010).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch Jungen, H. Schmoranzer et al., J. Chem. Phys. 135 (14), 144302 (2011).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 136 (13), 134301 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 137 (8), 084303 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, Ch. Jungen et al., Phys.Rev. A 86, 052507 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch. Jungen, A. Spielfiedel et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 293-294, 1 (2013).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Mol. spectrosc. 293-294, 11 (2013).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch Jungen, H. Schmoranzer et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 293-294, 19 (2013).

 The experimental values  of the transition probabilities are from the references:
 M. Glass-Maujean, S. Klumpp, L. Werner et al., J. Chem. Phys. 128 (9), 094312 (2008).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch Jungen, H. Schmoranzer et al., J. Chem. Phys. 135 (14), 144302 (2011).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 136 (13), 134301 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Chem. Phys. 137 (8), 084303 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, Ch. Jungen et al., Phys.Rev. A 86, 052507 (2012).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch. Jungen, A. Spielfiedel et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 293-294, 1 (2013).
 M. Glass-Maujean, H. Schmoranzer, I. Haar et al., J. Mol. spectrosc. 293-294, 11 (2013).
 M. Glass-Maujean, Ch Jungen, H. Schmoranzer et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 293-294, 19 (2013).

Description of the table of R and P lines (a total of 3237 lines)

Col 1 : Vu is for v', vibrational quantum number of the upper level
Col 2 : Ju for J', rotational quantum number of the upper level
Col 3 : Vl for v'', vibrational quantum number of the lower level
Col 4 : Jl for J'', rotational quantum number of the lower level
col 5 : Type of the line. R(J) for J=J" and J'=J"+1. P(J) for J=J"and J'=J"-1.
Col 6 : name of the upper electronic state: 
	nps or npp for sigma or pi state. npN : N for the rotational angular momentum of the core (Hund case d).   
Col 7 : calculated value of the transition energy (wavenumber) in cm-1, Col 8 : observed - calculated transition energy values, with the error bar within parenthesis, in cm-1
Col 9 : calculated emission probability (in 10^6 s-1)
Col 10 : experimental emission probability (in 10^6 s-1) with the error bar within parenthesis 
Col 11 : Comments :
 	*  indicates that the observed line is blended
  	**  indicates that the observed transition probabilities corresponds to a giant resonance.
	¤  indicates the observation of two lines instead of one, for the calculated transition due to the perturbation by a extra level of a nf configuration.